Tag: decision

  • Tempo


    Let’s think about the word: tempo. Ready to roll? All you need to do is… Write a new post on your iblog in response to the prompt. Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Tempo? We’re here to help: If you’re a photographer, show us a photo that depicts motion. Feeling like you…

  • Book Talk

    Read a book – fiction or non-fiction. During your reading, comment often (before, during, or after each reading session) in the STJ “Book Talk” forums using the following questions as a guide. Fiction: Which character do you like the most and why? The least and why? What passage from the book stood out to you?…

  • Choosing Loyalties

    If you had to choose between loyalty to your family and loyalty to your country, what decision would you make?

  • Advice Adults Tend To Give Teenagers

    What advice would you give to a friend who you felt was making a hasty or unwise decision? What is your experience of the kind of advice adults tend to give teenagers about falling in love?

  • An Important Decision

    Think of a time when you were faced with a serious problem that required you to make an important decision. What did you do? How did you feel?