Category: Art

  • Vandals

    Write a modern short story in which your protagonist discovers they are a rare descendant of the Vandals.

  • Group of Seven

    Write an essay on one of theĀ Group of Seven. Franklin Carmichael Lawren Harris A. Y. Jackson Frank Johnston A. J. Casson Arthur Lismer J. E. H. MacDonald Frederick Varley. Find out what influenced the artist, and the effect his/her work has had on others. Include an assessment of one piece of his/her art.

  • The Art of Nature

    In our highly industrialized and urbanized society, sometimes we forget about or ignore or overlook the beauties of nature. But when we do go to nature, we often have a rich experience. Choose an outstanding example from your contact with nature and write an essay about it. Be descriptive so that the reader can also…

  • The Life of an Artist

    The life of an artist is very appealing because it permits individual expression. If you had your way, what kinds of an artist would you like to be? Compose an essay in which you describe the achievements you would make and the acclaim success would bring you?

  • A Beautiful Work of Art

    Describe the most beautiful work of art you have ever seen. It may have been a sculpture, a painting, a dance or a set design. It may have been indoors, outdoors, on a stage or on television. Describe it in full detail so that the reader can try to see what you saw.