Let’s set aside dark and heavy for a day, and focus on light instead. Ready to roll? All you need to do is… Write a new post on your iblog in response to the prompt. Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Light? We’re here to help: Describe the last time you felt…
In these days of lockdowns, closures, and physical distancing, what does Open mean to you? Ready to roll? All you need to do is… Write a new post on your iBlog in response to the prompt. Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Open? Describe a memorable experience in a wide-open space: a…
Road trip
Describe the longest road trip you’ve ever taken.
Plinky Prompt 136
Describe a great boss you’ve worked with.
Plinky Prompt 119
Describe the town where you grew up.
Plinky Prompt 106
Describe what your laugh sounds like.
Déjà vu
Describe a time when you had déjà vu.
Describe your morning
Describe your morning so far, but in the third-person voice.
Angry or Frustrated? Helpless or Desperate?
Sometimes we feel so angry or frustrated, so helpless or desperate that we lose all caution and restraint. Describe such an experience of your own or of someone you know.
Ever Felt Trapped?
Describe a situation in which you felt trapped. How did you behave?