Tag: work

  • Elixir


    Let’s think about the word: Elixir. Ready to roll? All you need to do is… Write a new post on your iblog in response to the prompt. Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Elixir? We’re here to help: For you, tell us about the elixir of life. Maybe it’s the dog’s wagging…

  • Reluctant to Admit Virtue

    Recall an experience when a member of your family or a friend, who had no sympathy for an activity or work that you found rewarding, “reluctantly admitted there must be some virtue in it.” Write a narration of events leading up to this change in the person’s judgement.

  • Can you get work done while music is playing?

    Can you get work done while music is playing?

  • School Cancelled

    If work or school were cancelled today, what would you do instead?