
With all due respect to old, borrowed, and blue things, today’s prompt is all about the refreshingly, excitingly new.

Ready to roll? All you need to do is…

  • Write a new post on your iBlog in response to the prompt.

Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around New? We’re here to help:

  • Tell us about a new skill, hobby, or activity you’ve become interested in recently.
  • Who’s your newest friend? Share the story of how you connected.
  • Spring is here (in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway) — what do you most look forward to in this season of new beginnings?
  • Is your blog or website new (loosely defined)? Tell us why you decided to launch it.
  • Publish a post in a genre, format, or media that’s totally new to you. For example: poets, share a photo (or several); photographers, write some flash fiction; travel bloggers, post a book review. (And so on and so forth.)