Let’s set aside dark and heavy for a day, and focus on light instead.
Ready to roll? All you need to do is…
- Write a new post on your iblog in response to the prompt.
Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Light? We’re here to help:
- Describe the last time you felt positively lighthearted and carefree.
- Candles, desk lamps, screen glare, the sun: tell us about the light source that you find most conducive to writing.
- Share a photo with a particularly dramatic arrangement of light and shade.
- Focus on any of the other (many) meanings of “light,” from “non-serious” or even “frivolous,” to “weightless” or “a prominent person in a specific field.”
- Poets, you know what to do: stars, feathers, a dusting of snow, or a roaring fireplace are the stuff ballads and haiku are made of.