
Let’s turn to the pleasures of reading: today, post something about a book.

Ready to roll? All you need to do is…

  • Write a new post on your iblog in response to the prompt.

Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Book? We’re here to help:

  • Has a book ever changed your life? Which one is it, and how did it transform you?
  • If you could lead the life of a character in any book you’ve read, who would it be?
  • Choose five important people in your life, and (virtually) dedicate a specific book to each one.
  • Spend a few minutes by your bookcase and create a book-spine poem — then snap a photo of it, and share it with your readers.
  • Have you written a book or thought about it? Tell us what your project is about.
  • Feeling less bookish today? No worries: use “book” as a verb and tell us about a restaurant, event, or trip you’d reserve a spot at as soon as it becomes possible again.