Process Analysis

Tell your reader how to perform one of these processes. (See also the guidelines that follow.)

1. How to avoid debt
2. How to survive driving in city traffic
3. How to windsurf
4. How the average person can help to reduce pollution
5. How to choose your style in clothing
6. How to avoid burnout in a high-pressure job
7. How to take a good picture
8. How a woman breaks into a male-dominated profession
9. How to find low-cost entertainment in the city
10. How to train a dog (or other pet)
11. How to get a raise from your employer
12. How to avoid criminal attack in the big city at night
13. How to decorate a room on a low budget
14. How to become a Canadian citizen
15. How to survive eating at the school cafeteria

Explain how one of these processes is performed, or how it occurs. (See also the guidelines that follow.)
16. How a piano works
17. How a fax machine works
18. How a television set works
19. How a transistor works
20. How paper is recycled
21. How the human circulatory system functions
22. How the human liver functions
23. How food is metabolized in the body
24. How a muscle functions
25. How animals hibernate
26. How a bird flies
27. How a plant synthesizes food
28. How hail is formed
29. How sedimentary rock is formed
30. How ______________________. (If you choose your own topic in this final item, check it with your teacher before proceeding.)

Process in Writing: Guidelines
Follow at least some of these steps in writing your essay of process analysis.

1. Choose the topic that most appeals to you, so your motivation will increase your performance.

2. Visualize your audience (see step 6 below), and choose the level of terminology accordingly.

3. Fill a page with brief notes. Scan and sort them to choose the steps of your process analysis, and their order.

4. Write a rapid first draft, leave extra white space, not stopping now to revise or edit. If you do notice a word that needs replacing or a passage that needs work, underline it so you can find and fix it later.

5. A. When this draft has “cooled off,” look it over. If you are giving actual directions (topics 1-15), are all steps there? Do TRANSITIONS introduce them? Have you defined any technical terms that may puzzle your audience? Revise accordingly.

5. B. In explaining how your process is carried out or occurs (topics 16-30), have you provided enough examples and IMAGES to interest your audience? Revise accordingly.

6. Share the second draft with a small group of classmates. Do they think they could actually follow these directions? Or do they show interest in a process performed by others? Revise accordingly.

7. If you have consulted books, sites, or periodicals to write this paper, follow standard practice in quoting and in documenting your sources.

8. Now edit for spelling and grammar. Write the good copy and proofread word by word. Save the essay in case your teacher suggests further revisions.