Month: February 2014

  • Intensity

    Describe the last time you were surprised by the intensity of a feeling you had about something, or were surprised at how strongly you reacted to something you thought wouldn’t be a big deal.

  • Tears

    Describe the last time you were moved to tears by something beautiful.

  • Nightmare

    Describe the last nightmare you remember having. What do you think it meant?

  • Ultimate Superhero

    Describe in great detail your ultimate superhero. What is their unique super power? Get creative!

  • When you were ten…

    Describe in great detail the room that you slept in when you were ten years old. What was the light like? What were the furnishings? Leave out no detail!

  • Childhood

    Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a child. What became of it?

  • Kindness

    Describe a moment of kindness, between you and someone else – loved one or complete stranger.

  • Faith, Religion, Spirituality

    Describe a memory or encounter in which you considered your faith, religion, spirituality – or lack of – for the first time.

  • Little Thing

    Describe a little thing – one of the things you love that defines your world but is often overlooked.

  • 26 Letters

    Create a short story, piece of memoir, or epic poem that is 26 sentences long, in which the first sentence begins with “A” and each sentence thereafter begins with the next letter of the alphabet.