Month: February 2014

  • Playtime

    Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

  • Artist

    Do you need to agree with an artist?s lifestyle or politics to appreciate their art? To spend money on it?

  • Scared

    Do you like being scared by books, films, and surprises? Describe the sensation of being scared, and why you love it – or don’t.

  • Name

    Do you know the meaning of your name, and why your parents chose it? Do you think it suits you? What about your children?s names?

  • Animals

    Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to?

  • Mentor

    Do you have a mentor? Tell us about him or her. Are you a mentor to someone else? Tell us what that relationship has added to your life.

  • Embarassed

    Do you feel uncomfortable when you see someone else being embarrassed? What’s most likely to make you squirm?

  • Social Media

    Do you feel like you “get” social media, or do you just use it because that’s where all your friends and family are?

  • Food Rut

    Do you ever get into a food rut, eating the same meal over and over? If so, what’s your rut? How do you get out of the rut?

  • Outgoing?

    Do you consider yourself the outgoing performer or the appreciative bystander? Why?