Month: February 2014

  • Anachronism

    Anachronism (noun): an error in chronology; a person or thing that’s chronologically out of place. Write a story in which a person or thing is out of place, or recount a time when you felt out of place.

  • Prime Minister of the ‘Net

    All the world’s countries have decided that the Internet itself needs a government. Your country asks you to run for Prime Minister of the ‘Net – do you accept? If so, what will your platform be?

  • Energized?

    After spending time with a group of people, do you feel energized and ready for anything or do you want to hide in the corner with a good book?

  • Average

    A writer once said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If this is true, which five people would you like to spend your time with?

  • Genie

    A genie has granted your wish to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What’s it like?

  • 6:00AM

    6:00AM: the best hour of the day, or too close to your 3:00AM bedtime?

  • Happily Ever After

    “And they lived happily ever after.” Think about this line for a few minutes. Are you living happily ever after? If not, what will it take for you to get there?

  • Tomorrow

    The world is ending tomorrow! Tell us about your last dinner – the food, your dining companions, the setting, the conversation.

  • A Call

    You receive a call from an unexpected person. Who is it, and what is the conversation about? Go!

  • What else is blogging to you?

    Blogging is about expressing, sharing, connecting?and what else is blogging to you?