Category: Plinky Prompts

  • Glistening Marble of Immortality

    Your personal sculptor is carving a person, thing, or event from the last month of your life into the glistening marble of immortality. What’s the statue and what makes it so significant?

  • Life Without a Computer

    Your life without a computer: what does it look like?

  • Community

    Your entire community – however you define that; your hometown, your neighborhood, your family, your colleagues – is guaranteed to read your blog tomorrow. Write the post you’d like them all to see.

  • The Path of Life

    You’ve been asked to speak at your high school – about the path of life. (Whoa.) Draft the speech.

  • $5,000,000

    You’ve inherited $5 million, with instructions that you must give it all away – but you can choose any organizations you like to be the beneficiaries. Where does the money go?

  • Potion

    You’ve imbibed a special potion that makes you immortal. Now that you’ve got forever, what changes will you make in your life? How will you live life differently, knowing you’ll always be around to be accountable for your actions?

  • Exile

    You’ve been exiled to a private island, and your captors will only supply you with five foods. What do you pick?

  • Stranded

    You’re stranded in a foreign city for a day with no money and no friends. Where do you go; what do you do?

  • Argument

    You’re in the middle of a terrible argument, and everyone turns to you to help resolve it. How do you respond? How do you react to conflict?

  • Poker

    You’re set to play poker (or Scrabble or something else . . .) with a group of four. Write a story set during this game. Or, describe the ideal match: the players, the relationships – and the hidden rivalries.