Category: Experience and Expression

  • Modern “gods”

    Consider modern “gods” that we worship in society. Then write an essay in which you develop an analogy between a person or a thing and a god. Be sure to use images, details, and words and phrases that clarify and support your analogy.

  • Automation

    In an illustrative essay, discuss the contemporary relevance of the following statement by William James: “The more details of our daily life we can hand over to automation, the more our higher powers of mind will be set free for their own proper work.”

  • Common Misconception

    Write about a group of people about whom there is a common misconception. Write an illustrative essay in which you develop sufficient evidence to refute that misconception.

  • The Great Canadian Myth

    Consider activities, ideas, or beliefs, that might be viewed as “the great Canadian myth.” Write a well-organized and well-developed illustrative essay in which you discuss that “myth” in both general and specific terms, using details and examples from your own experience to support your view.

  • Illustrative Essay

    In an illustrative essay, discuss an opinion or belief that you hold as a result of your own experiences, presenting three or four different examples to illustrate your view.

  • Summer Work Experience

    Write an illustrative essay in which you discuss either the beneficial or the detrimental aspects of your own summer work experience.

  • Williams, Creely, Ginsberg, Bowering

    Read some poetry written by William Carlos Williams, Robert Creely, Allen Ginsberg, or George Bowering. Then write an illustrative essay in which you discuss what you believe makes the author’s poetry effective. Be sure to support your ideas with specific details and examples.

  • Illustrative Essay

    Choose any ordinary, daily activity that you perform, such as reading, walking, sleeping, or eating, and write a well-organized and detailed illustrative essay in which you discuss several different ways you have found to perform that activity.

  • Your Methods of Writing

    Write a well-organized illustrative essay in which you discuss, in very specific detail, your own methods of writing. Consider not only the writing materials that you use but also the different situations, the different kinds of writing, and their relationship to one another.

  • Riddles of Existence

    Write a well-organized and well-developed illustrative essay in which you discuss “the awful burden of the unsolved riddles of existence.” Be sure to support and clarify your ideas with specific details and effective examples. Consider investigating some standard philosophical riddles.