Write a futuristic story in which you present your vision of life twenty years from now.
Read an interview with Derrick de Kerckhove, author of The Augmented Mind.
How will people in the future be “always on” or “plugged in”? What will “cloud computing” look like in twenty years? What “next big thing” will replace Facebook?
How many “degrees of separation” will exist between you and your friends, your family, your children, your spouse?
How will people use their imagination twenty years from now? Will they still have one?
Kerckhove says we exist in “the era of the tag” and “tagging … is the soul of the Internet.” What remains to be tagged in the next twenty years? What will the Internet be like in twenty years?
Will one of the oldest forum threads on the Internet still exist in twenty years? “I am lonely will anyone speak to me”?