The Michelle I Know

Read “The Michelle I Know,” by Alison Lohans.

Respond to the Story

  • Who is the hero in this story? Explain why you think so.
  • What is the turning point? In what way does Michelle change?
  • What is the overall message and mood?
  • Why is humour an important part of this story?
  • Why do you think Alison Lohans calls her story “The Michelle I Know”?

Story Craft
Investigate drawing a plot diagram for this story. Use an online tool or draw your own chart. Complete it by adding story details under each of the following: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Have you read other stories like “The Michelle I know”? Discuss these stories. How were their plots similar or different? How could you use a plot diagram the next time you write your own short story?

Write a Short Story
In most good stories the characters undergo a significant change, just as Michelle does. Think about, and jot down, some ideas for a short story about an ordinary person who undergoes a significant change. Which idea would make an entertaining story for an audience of your peers?

Story Writing Tips from STJ Forums

Write an outline for your short story, including notes on the following: main character and personality, setting, conflict, initial incident, rising action, changes, climax, and conclusion/denouement/resolution. Use this outline to write a first draft. Ask a partner to give you feedback about improving your story. Revise your draft using this feedback.