Tag: Write

  • Wordle: The Human Condition

    Search the net for a few quotes about the human condition. Review these focus questions to help you in your search. Collect a handful of phrases that give you pause to think. Avoid anonymous quotes, note the author. (Keep the unharmed list safe in your notes somewhere.) Go to wordle.net (on Chromebooks try tagul clouds…

  • The letter “e”

    Write a 100-word story without using the letter “e” in any words. (It’s a tough one!)

  • Under Pressure

    Write about a time when, under pressure, you acted in away that surprised you.

  • A lie, then another, and then another . . .

    Write about a time when telling one lie or doing one wrong thing put you in a situation where, to cover your first lie, you had to tell more. How did you finally break the cycle of lies? (If this hasn’t happened to you, think of a time when it could have happened.)

  • A Sensitive and Deep Friend

    Imagine you have a friend who thinks deeply and reacts sensitively to events around him or her. Your friend has just written you a letter saying that human life is full of more problems and sorrow than joy and hope. Your friend goes on to say, “What’s the use of living in such a ‘sea…

  • Old Advice

    Write about a time when an older person gave you advice which you knew that person would not follow him or herself. What were the results? How did you feel afterwards?