Tag: relationship

  • Relationship with a Hypocrite

    You have noticed an acquaintance or a family member acting hypocritically, saying or pretending to believe one way but behaving the opposite. Identify your feelings, and decide what you want to do about your relationship with that person. In  a post, report that person’s actions and explain your feelings about this behaviour. Finally, give and…

  • Your Methods of Writing

    Write a well-organized illustrative essay in which you discuss, in very specific detail, your own methods of writing. Consider not only the writing materials that you use but also the different situations, the different kinds of writing, and their relationship to one another.

  • Legacy

    Write your own poem to honour an ancestor. You could use the person’s name and relationship to you as the first line of the poem. On the next line, write two adjectives to describe him or her, what he or she did, and a short description of the person’s desires, fears, and loves on following…

  • Friendship Survives

    What kinds of problems or situations can develop between close friends to strain their relationship? Why does a true friendship usually survive the difficulties that may threaten it?