Tag: poetry

  • Tempo


    Let’s think about the word: tempo. Ready to roll? All you need to do is… Write a new post on your iblog in response to the prompt. Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Tempo? We’re here to help: If you’re a photographer, show us a photo that depicts motion. Feeling like you…

  • Williams, Creely, Ginsberg, Bowering

    Read some poetry written by William Carlos Williams, Robert Creely, Allen Ginsberg, or George Bowering. Then write an illustrative essay in which you discuss what you believe makes the author’s poetry effective. Be sure to support your ideas with specific details and examples.

  • Borrowed Poetry

    Poets and other writers often use a quotation or line from someone else’s work to inspire them or provide a context for their own creations. Choose a line for one of your favourite poems(Canadian or American) and use it as a starting point for a poem of your own.