Tag: Memories

  • Dish


    Focus on something delicious. Serve us your best dish. Ready to roll? All you need to do is… Write a new post on your iBlog in response to the prompt. Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Dish? What’s the best thing you’ve cooked this week? Tell us about your meal — the…

  • Childhood Photo Essay

    Create a photo essay to illustrate your memories of your own childhood experiences.

  • The Replacement Brother

    Suppose you have a brother named Jimmy whom you love very much. One day, a crazy magician kills Jimmy, but then instantly replaces him with an exact copy. This copy is the same as Jimmy in every way, including implanted memories of the past. Would you still cry over Jimmy’s death? According to Plato, you…

  • Surviving Childhood Memories

    Write about a significant event in your childhood or about an experience that tested your survival skills. You will need to describe the situation fully, and include notes about how you felt, and how those around you acted or felt (you should use the first-person point of view and the past tense).