Tag: immigrants

  • Immigrants and the Quality of Life in Canada

    Write about the ways in which immigrant people enrich the quality of life in Canada.

  • A Group That Has Been Poorly Treated

    Identify a group that you believe has been poorly treated by Canadian society (for example the handicapped or disabled, the elderly, native peoples, farmers, immigrants, refugees, single parents, etc.). Take notes, then write an inductive argument in which you present the evidence that led to your belief. In your next draft revise to seek an…

  • Relationships

    The following poem is from The Journals of Susanna Moodie, by Margaret Atwood. How relevant is this poem to the way we understand relationships, to the way we imagine relationships to be? Support your response with reference (comparison/contrast) to one or more poems you’ve studied and to your previous knowledge and/or experience. Further Arrivals After…