Tag: idea

  • Focus


    Today, let’s draw all our attention to focus (or the lack thereof). Ready to roll? All you need to do is… Write a new post on your iblog in response to the prompt. Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Focus? We’re here to help: Many people have been finding it more difficult…

  • Teach


    We never stop learning — because there’s always someone who can teach us new, unexpected things. Ready to roll? All you need to do is… Write a new post on your iblog in response to the prompt. Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Teach? We’re here to help: We all possess niche,…

  • Light


    Let’s set aside dark and heavy for a day, and focus on light instead. Ready to roll? All you need to do is… Write a new post on your iblog in response to the prompt. Need more ideas? Not sure what to write around Light? We’re here to help: Describe the last time you felt…

  • Wordle: The Human Condition

    Search the net for a few quotes about the human condition. Review these focus questions to help you in your search. Collect a handful of phrases that give you pause to think. Avoid anonymous quotes, note the author. (Keep the unharmed list safe in your notes somewhere.) Go to wordle.net (on Chromebooks try tagul clouds…