Tag: hero

  • The Most Important Choice of All

    Suppose there is a genie with the power to turn back time to before you were born. She gives you the opportunity to decide who you want to be. Would you choose to be you? If so, does this show that you have a healthy self-esteem, or does it show that you think too highly…

  • Plinky Prompt 72

    Who is your greatest hero of all time?

  • Canadian Hero

    Write about a Canadian hero you wish to honour and praise. This hero may be a friend, a family member, a local hero, or a national hero, alive or dead.

  • Movie and Television Heroes We Admire

    Most movie and television heroes we admire are the ones who finally decide to fight against whatever odds confront them. Who is your favourite hero or heroine? What is it that you admire about him or her the most?