Tag: Future

  • A Technological Invention

    What technological invention has been most important to you? How has it influenced or affected you? What would you like to see invented in the near future that would be of great help to make you life more comfortable or interesting? Describe the effects this invention might have on your life.

  • Your Future Résumé

    Think about yourself at the age of thirty. Write a résumé for yourself at that age. Include current occupation, previous occupations, marital status, education, community activities, hobbies, and any special accomplishments.

  • Your future

    If you were given a chance to know what happens in your future, would you take it?

  • Plinky Prompt 217

    List the cities that you would consider moving to in the future.

  • Decisions About Your Future

    Who do you think should make decisions about your future? Do you think that women and men have the same opportunities to determine their own futures?

  • The Sport of the Future

    What sport, though a minor one now, will be the sport of the future, according to you? What reasons do you have for saying this? Explain your choice in an essay.