Category: Experience and Expression

  • You can train yourself to __________,

    Choose an activity that you enjoy. Complete the thesis statement, “You can train yourself to __________,” so that it is appropriate to your subject. Then, write and instructional process analysis in which you give three or four basic directions necessary for your readers to enjoy the activity, too.  

  • Analysis of a Product

    Write a classification analysis of a common manufactured product that is useful for some specific purpose. Divide you subject into several categories or subclasses according to an appropriate principal of division (such as features, design, effectiveness, operation, size, etc.). Be sure to label, define, and illustrate each category or subclass so that your analysis supports…

  • Contemporary Caves

    Write an essay in which you apply Plato’s allegory of the cave to a contemporary social situation or problem using either a subject-by-subject or part-by-part approach for your comparison. Consider in what ways this comparison clarifies the situation or problem, and suggest what conclusions may be drawn from your comparison.

  • A Prisoner Released

    Write an essay about your experiences in which you contrast a situation in which you were a prisoner in “the cave” with a situation where you were released from that “cave.” Use specific details and images to show your readers both situations clearly.

  • Architecture: A Human Need

    Consider two different buildings with which you are familiar in terms of their responsiveness to “human need.” Write an essay contrasting several aspects of these two buildings

  • An Ideal

    Using a subject-by-subject approach, define and illustrate an ideal that you hold, and then contrast that ideal with a experience that you have had.

  • Canada vs United States

    Write a well-organized essay in which you contrast Canada and the United States in terms of your own experiences of these two countries, choosing either a subject-by-subject or a part-by-part approach.

  • Daydream vs Real Thing

    Using a subject-by-subject approach, write an essay in which you contrast a fantasy or a daydream that you have had about a person, place, object, or experience, with the “real thing” that you later experienced.

  • Life in a Small Town

    Using a subject-by-subject approach, write a contrast essay in which you discuss the differences between life in a small town and life in a large city based on your experiences. Be sure to use specific details and examples in order to create vivid images in your readers’ minds.

  • Analogy

    Choose a simile or metaphor that you believe is particularly interesting or appropriate in its expression of the similarities between two subjects. Write an essay in which you develop a full and detailed presentation of that figure of speech as an analogy.