A Red Red Rose

O my luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
My love is like the melodie
That’s sweetly played in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonny lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.

Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;
I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only love!
And fare thee weel, awhile!
And I will come again, my love
Though it were ten thousand mile.
– Robert Burns

“A Red Red Rose” by Robert Burns is a classic song, considered one of the greatest love songs ever written.


The strength and endurance of true love is everlasting.


Rhyme, rhythm, assonance, parallel structure, hyperbole, alliteration, simile, symbolism, apostrophe.


Will the speaker return to his love?

What difficulty do you encounter while reading this poem? How did you deal with the problem?

The poem contains a number of examples of hyperbole. Can you identify them? Which do you think is the greatest exaggeration?