The Iron Giant TV Trope BINGO


  • Create a new Word processing document at the google docs. Follow link “Document” when in your STJ email account:
  • Table->Insert Table a 5×6 table.
  • Label the top B I N G O, centre justified
  • Into the remaining 25 squares insert a hyperlink and a brief description to a selected tv trope from Iron Giant.
  • Print your Iron Giant TV Trope BINGO card.

Your Task:
Watch the film, record the DVD time and a brief description of the film trope in each square as you discover them.

Maybe we’ll give away treats for any BINGO – a line(horizontal/vertical), a diagonal, an “X”, and of course, the full blackout.

Google doc of this assignment
Tropes in The Iron Giant
What is a trope?
The Iron Giant at imdb
The Iron Giant
The Iron Giant at Rotten Tomatoes
STJ Google Docs
STJ Email

Writing assignments on The Iron Giant

Your “I can … ” outcomes: