Month: May 2006

  • Ban Music?

    Plato, in his Republic, says that revolutionary poets and musicians will be banned from his utopian state because their new ideas will disrupt society and upset the stability of the state. Do you agree with the idea of banning music under these circumstances? Explore your opinion in an essay.

  • Life Without Music

    The philosopher Nietzsche said that without music, life is a mistake! Do you agree or disagree? Fully or partially? Take a position, based on your own experience. Is life without music a mistake?

  • Defending Rock and Roll

    Rock and roll, some critics say, represents a deterioration in values of Canadian culture. The crude thumping and unvarying beat are symptoms of a numbness that tunes listeners out. Using arguments that you yourself believe, defend rock and roll against its critics.

  • The Best Concert of All

    You may enjoy attending concerts, classical or rock. Describe the best time you ever had at a concert. Who played? What was the atmosphere like? What was the audience’s response like? What do you remember best about the concert?

  • My Favourite Rock Group (or Soloist)

    Who is your favourite rock group or soloist? With as much enthusiasm and information as you can muster, explain to the reader the reasons for your choice. Be convincing.

  • DJ

    Imagine you have your own disc jockey show. Give yourself call numbers and a suitable cool disc jockey’s name. Name your show and write a segment of the show’s monologue. Include the names of the songs you will play.

  • My Ideal Concert

    Imagine your ideal concert. You can select your own groups and musicians, your own location, and your own audience. Money is no object. All you need is your imagination. Describe your ideal concert in loving detail.

  • Age of Anxiety

    The poet W.H. Auden called the age we’re living in “the Age of Anxiety.” Would you agree? Is there a lot of anxiety in your life? What specific anxieties do you face and what is their effect upon you?

  • Utopia

    Throughout the history of the world, writers have tried to conceive better worlds than the ones they actually lived in. Look up the word “utopia” in Wikipedia and read about the various attempts at conceiving the perfect society. Do you think these efforts were worth the time and energy the authors put into them? Or…

  • “Snivelization”

    Herman Melville referred to civilization as “snivelization.” What do you think he meant? Look up the word “snivel,” digest all of its meanings and then write an essay agreeing or disagreeing with the author of Moby Dick.